Digital Conversations

Wednesday, June 15

The Day Has Come
After a semester and a half of working towards getting myself to DiGRA, I am here. We have a beautiful harbourside room on the 8th floor in Vancouver. Getting ready to head out to a pre-conference house party being thrown by a gracious member of the conference organizational team.

While checking into the hotel this afternoon, I think I saw TL Taylor walking into the sports lounge.. then it dawned on me .. how will i recognize people? For months, I have been reading posts on terra nova, threads of conversation on the gamesnetwork mailing list and cheking various academic game related blogs ... i know alot of people by their words and ideas, but none by their face! Good thing tomorrow is registration and we all get name tags hehe... now if only i can keep my composure and not act like a 12 year old at a rock concert - everything should be just fine.


  • I'm really glad for you. You've been working for a long time to start doing the conference thing.

    And I think the whole idea of finding people or discovering similar interest in geographical areas really interesting. Let me know if you have any brainstorms about it.

    have fun! - mike

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 21/6/05 12:33 a.m.  

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