Digital Conversations

Saturday, July 23

Virtually Real Memories
Today we were driving along the highway when I saw some beautifully picturesque landscape. As i looked out my window, I got a sense of familiarity - like I had seen it before. Then it dawned on me... this hilly landscape with the old wooden fence around a few old houses reminded me of the human villages in WoW just a ways along the path from the Undercity. When I realized this, I was in a little bit of awe that my memories of both virtual and tangible worlds have become so interchangeable. I know this has been written about before over at terra nova (i may have even posted about it here before), but i guess it just struck me a bit awe-inspiring and weird at the same time.


  • Been thinking a lot about memories / memory recently. I've been having a lot of jumps out of my current life to memories but they've come from really subtle reminders. I'll suddenly be thinking of hockey camp at brebeuf and after trying to figure what brought my mind to that was that the sound of the paper I just tore had a quality similar to that zamboni hitting the ice. I feel like the barrier between my present consciousness and my memories has become thinner.

    Is that similar how it feels for you? that the barrier between your online and off-line memories has weakened?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 19/8/05 11:27 a.m.  

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