Digital Conversations

Thursday, September 15

Alas! The Academia That I Have Been Dreaming About...

Sort of ... Without the beer of course. Heh.
Today was my first seminar in my Sociology of Culture course - yes, the one I bemoaned in my last post. I managed to get all but 6 pages read for this week's seminar, so I felt quite prepared.

I enjoy the format of the course so far. Every week, there are 4 presentations (or 3) on that particular week's readings (which are subdivided into sections so there is no overlapping). After each person presents an imminent summary of the reading, discussion is opened up to the room. Although I was quite nervous to speak about the theories that I have been processing in my head, once the discussion got rolling, it was difficut to contain myself. But I think I found a good balance between contributing to the conversation and letting others speak...

Walking away from this evening's class, I've realized my capacity for reading and internalizing chewy (thats sashay! heh) theory and feeling comfortable with my readings of the text. I shift now from this morning's nagging feelings of doubt to another renewed energy ready to face the challenging works ahead.


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