Digital Conversations

Friday, October 14

Democracy across Borders
Enjoyed a fascinating lecture today by John Keane, on Journalism and Democracy Across Borders. The lecture combined a historical perspective of the role of journalism in politics and democracy, and the future ahead in a 'globally' connected world. With bells ringing of Lawrence Lessig, with pleas for serious attention to who has the power to make the changes necessary for the tchnology to play a positive role in the flow of information. The lecture iterated the current state of the debate, while bringing to attention the need for reform to the current political structures that takes into consideration the new flow of information.

Surely, I am not doing much justice to the 40 minute articulate presentation, but it has prompted me to look more into this topic. As something that has been dabbled in here and there with my game studies, and political science stint, Keane has an established collection of books well worth the read.


  • I would love to have attended this lecture, especially since it sounds like he dealt with power and authority, two topics preoccupying me these days. Where do you hope to use his stuff in your work? Sounds fascinating! :-)

    By Blogger Sashay, at 16/10/05 10:21 a.m.  

  • Havent really thought about it in terms of my own work, but just as some academic leisure =)

    By Blogger Kelly, at 16/10/05 11:50 a.m.  

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