Digital Conversations

Wednesday, November 2

More on Mmog's
Or 'moog's as I have heard it pronounced. In my first paper on avatar's and identity (cutely titled Pixel People), I struggled through describing and defining the game world for my non-digitally minded professor at the time. If only I had known of Wikipedia then. They have this long page defining MMORPG's. I am curious about some of the input as 'factual' information (notably the section on social impacts of a seamless world... but you can read that and decide for yourselves.)

They also distinguish between MMOG's, MMOFPS and MMORTS. Now ... not even getting into the concept of Virtual Worlds, this seems to be splitting hairs.. The only thing that distinguishes these acronyms is the game's genre. Which reminds me of a long lost conversation at a long since past gameCODE meeting, about the state of defining genres... the collapse and mutation of them, and how - if at all - we should redefine them. There has been stuff written on this .. maybe i'll try to dig it up and post the links. It is all connected. Language is grappling to keep up with the pace of change in the vid game world. Even Wikipedia gives a short listed dictionnary of 'terms and acronyms' used in mmorpg's.


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