Digital Conversations

Wednesday, January 11

The Shift from Print to Screen
I just recieved this month's Technology Review in the mail and with it came a "Dear Subscriber" letter in it to inform me of some of the new and upcoming changes to the print edition of the magazine such as bimonthly editions and featuring longer articles in the print version and increasing the shorter articles on the website.

Although this shift should not shock me - especially with the crowd who read Technology review. But a part of me is sad that I have to be sitting at a computer to read the fast bits, I will miss being able to read on the bus or subway. As much as I am an advocate (at times) for digital living, there is still some things that paper can do that technology cannot. [Yes, I know I can get web-access on my cell phone, blackberry or palm pilot - but who wants to scroll through lines and lines of miniscule text on a moving vehicle?]


  • Excellent point. Plus, it isn't as if wireless access has gotten cheap enough in Canada to make always-connected-access a viable option for students such as ourselves.

    I think this trend (which I've seen in other mags also) shows a US-centric view of information/knowledge

    By Blogger Sashay, at 17/1/06 4:02 p.m.  

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