Digital Conversations

Monday, February 6

In Deconstruction
Comes reconstruction...those of you who know me, know that I don't like to simply deconstruct something and leave it lying in pieces on the floor. My personal issue with post modern theory in general is that it is great at tearing things apart, but nary a solution in sight to rebuild what they have destroyed. Now, I understand that in some cases, the deconstruction (of say, grand narratives) is exactly the point. But to sit there and say 'there is no truth, its all relative, we are all going to hell in a handbasket' (sorry no links to that fictional quote) and not offer anything in return reminds me of someone who complains about the way things are and are too lazy to do anything about it. (we've all met the type at least ONCE in our lives - admit it!!)

So, my point is this. Yes, I am currently dismayed with the current state of my research and the state of the field in general. This is not to say that there are not new things coming to light - but that nothing that has seriously challenged the way I think (in terms of game studies). So - instead of walking away, hands in the air and head drooping, I decided to see if I cannot reconstruct the things that are either a) not broken but weak (imo) or b) things that are broken and have been left behind. What this means is - instead of bailing on the game studies thing - why not work towards revealing some of the depth that there is, if it is indeed there. Instead of complaining that all is lost - I will look for a solution.


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